Biography: Mario Ciampolini
The development of diabetes goes on for years with the help of physicians. The patient requires more and more insulin to allocate energy in increasing fatty stores. Insulin is given sometimes directly by injections or indirectly by drugs stimulating production. Exploitation of physiology adaptations are the healthiest solution. In this direction, only physical activity is largely exploited but this sole intervention is insufficient to stop general fattening. Although difficult, intake adaptations are most effective to achieve an even energy balance. Drugs are mysterious, magic, constitute the simplest solution and are sustained by investigations on huge numbers of subjects. In contrast to Prigogine (research does not deceive) the wishful, unaware thinking of billions rejects the least appealing solution as false or insufficiently proved. Mean weekly preprandial blood glucose (Mean BG) is stratified in the population between 65 mg/dL and 110 mg/dL [1, 2]. An awareness on own current BG might meal by meal prove information on the need for decreasing or maintaining energy intake [4]. Up to a Mean BG of 82 mg/dL people maintain their weight or loose weight if overweight or insulin resistant [1,2]. Over this cut level, people increase body weight or is insulin resistant [1,2]. This skill has a lifelong endurance [2].
1. Ciampolini M, Sifone M (2011) Differences in maintenance of mean Blood glucose (BG) and their association with
response to “Recognizing Hunger”. Intern J Gen Med 4: 403-412.
2. Ciampolini M, Lovell-Smith D, Sifone M (2010) Sustained self-regulation of energy intake. Loss of weight in
overweight subjects. Maintenance of weight in normal-weight subjects. Nutr Metab (Lond) 7: 1-4.
3. Ciampolini M, Brenna JT, Giannellini V, Bini S (2013) Interruption of scheduled, automatic feeding and reduction of
excess energy intake in toddlers. Intern J Gen Med 6: 39-47.
4. Ciampolini M, Lovell Smith D (2014) Recognising Hunger: Self-Regulation of Food Intake and Energy Balance. A
Handbook. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.