Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
6th World Congress on Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design, will be organized around the theme “Achieving Future Generation Advancements in Medicinal Chemistry and Drug design”
Medicinal Chemistry 2017 is comprised of 19 tracks and 107 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Medicinal Chemistry 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry are control at the intersection of chemistry, especially synthetic organic chemistry, and pharmacology and different other biological specialties, where they are involved with drugdesign, chemical synthesis and advancement for market of pharmaceutical agents, or bio-active molecules (drugs).
Compounds used as medicines are most generally organic chemistry, which are often divided into the broad classes of small organic molecules (e.g., atorvastatin, fluticasone, clopidogrel) and biological (infliximab, erythropoietin, insulin glargine), the latter of which are most generally medicinal preparations of proteins (natural and recombinant antibodies, hormones, etc.). Inorganic and organometallic compounds are also advantageous drugs (e.g., lithium and platinum-based agents such as lithium carbonate and cis-platin as well asgallium).
- Track 1-1Medical pharmacy
- Track 1-2Chemistry in drugs
- Track 1-3Chemical medicine
- Track 1-4Current medicinal chemistry
- Track 1-5Drug Discovery
- Track 1-6Medicinal chemistry research
- Track 1-7Drug design
The pharmaceutical sciences are a group of integrative areas of study concerned with the design, action, delivery, and disposition of drugs. They apply expertise from chemistry, inorganic, biology, physical, biochemical and analytical methods, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, and molecular biology), epidemiology, statistics, chemometrics, mathematics, chemical engineering, and physics
The pharmaceutical sciences are further subdivided into several specific specialties, with 4 main branches:
Pharmacology: the course of the biochemical molecules and physiological effects of drugs on human beings.
Pharmacodynamics: the course of the cellular and molecular interactions of drugs with their receptors. Simply "What the drug does to the body"
Pharmacokinetics: the course of the consideration that control the concentration of drug at various sites in the body. Directly "What the body does to the drug"
Pharmaceutical toxicology: the course of the harmful or toxic effects of drugs.
Pharmacogenomics: the course of the inheritance of characteristic patterns of interaction among drugs and organisms.
Pharmaceutical chemistry: the course of drug design to optimize pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, and synthesis of advanced drug molecule.
Pharmaceutics: the course and drug design of drug formulation for best delivery, stability, pharmacokinetics, and patient acceptance .
Pharmacognosy : the course of medicines derived from natural sources.
As new discoveries advance and enhance the pharmaceutical chemistry, subspecialties continue to be added to this list. Importantly, as knowledge leading, boundaries among these specialty areas of pharmaceutical sciences are opening to blur. Many fundamental concepts are accepted to all pharmaceutical sciences. These shared fundamental concepts added the understanding of their applicability to all conditions of pharmaceutical research and drug therapy.
- Track 2-1Organic chemistry
- Track 2-2Inorganic chemistry
- Track 2-3Biochemistry
- Track 2-4Drug Discovery and drug Development
- Track 2-5Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Track 2-6Pharmaceutics
- Track 2-7Pharmacognosy
- Track 2-8Chemistry of pharmaceuticals
- Track 2-9Pharmacology
Bioorganic chemistry is a rapidly growing scientific discipline that combines organic chemistry and biochemistry. While biochemistry aims at understanding biological processes using chemistry, bioorganic chemistry attempts to expand organic-chemical researches (that is, structures, synthesis, and pharmacokinetics toward medical biology. When investigating metalloenzymes and cofactors, bioorganic chemistry overlaps bioinorganic chemistry. Biophysical organic chemistry is a term used when attempting to describe intimate details of molecular recognition by bioorganic chemistry.
- Track 3-1Biochemistry
- Track 3-2Analytical technique
- Track 3-3Experimental organic chemistry
- Track 3-4Hydrocarbons
- Track 3-5Oxidation
- Track 3-6Physical organic chemistry
- Track 3-7Bioorganometallic chemistry
- Track 3-8Biomedical chemistry
Drug design, often referred to as rational drug design or simply rational design, is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of a biological sciences target. The drug is most commonly an organic small molecule that activates or inhibits the function of a biomolecule such as a protein biochemistry, which in turn results in a therapeutic benefit to the patient. In the most basic sense, drug design involves the design of molecules that are complementary in shape and charge to the biomolecular target with which they interact and therefore will bind to it. Drug design frequently but not necessarily relies on computer modeling techniques. This type of modeling is sometimes referred to as computer-aided drug design. Finally, drug design that relies on the knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the biomolecular target is known as structure-based drug design. In addition to small molecules, biopharmaceuticals and especially therapeutic antibodies are an increasingly important class of drugs and computational methods for improving the affinity, selectivity, and stability of these protein-based drug delivery and therapeutics have also been developed.
- Track 4-1Computer Aided Drug Design
- Track 4-2Drug Targets
- Track 4-3Lead optimization
- Track 4-4Drug chemistry
- Track 4-5Recent trends in Drug design
- Track 4-6Drug therapy
Computational chemistry is a branch of chemistry that handling computer simulation to assist in solving chemical problems. It uses methods of theoretical chemistry, Integrated into efficient computer programs, to calculate the structures and properties of molecules and solids. It is mandatory because, apart from relatively recent results concerning the hydrogen molecular ion [dihydrogen cation, see references therein for more details], the quantum many-body problem cannot be solved through analytical method, much low in closed form. While computational results normally complement the information collected by chemical experiments, it can in some cases predict hitherto unobserved chemical reactions phenomena. It is widely used in the arrangement of new drugs and materials.
Examples of such properties are structure (i.e., the expected positions of the constituent atoms), absolute and related (interaction) energies, electronic charge density distributions, dipoles and higher multipole moments, vibrational frequencies, awareness, or other spectroscopic probe quantities, and cross sections for collision with other particles.
- Track 5-1Theoretical Chemistry
- Track 5-2 Chemical structures and QSAR
- Track 5-3Computational approaches to design molecules
- Track 5-4Computational Chemistry
- Track 5-5Drug discovery research
Pharmacology is the division of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action, where a drug can be broadly described as any man-made, natural, or endogenous (from within body) molecule which exerts a biochemical and/or physiological issue on the cell, tissue, organ, or organism (sometimes the word pharmacon is used as a term to encompass these endogenous and exogenous bioactive species). More definitely, it is the study of the interactions that occur between a living organism and chemicals that alter normal or abnormal biochemical function. If substances have medicinal properties, they are contemplated pharmaceutical chemistry.
The field encompasses drug composition and properties, synthesis and drug design, molecular and cell mechanisms, organ/systems mechanisms, signal transduction/cellular communication, molecular diagnostics, interactions, toxicology, chemical biology, therapy, and medical applications and antipathogenic capabilities. The two main field of pharmacology are pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
- Track 6-1Neuropharmacology
- Track 6-2Pharmacodynamics
- Track 6-3Pharmacognosy
- Track 6-4Pharmacogenomics
- Track 6-5Pharmacogenetics
- Track 6-6Pharmacoinformatics
- Track 6-7PolyPharmacology
Organic chemistry is a chemistry sub development involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials, i.e., elements in its various forms that contain hydrocarbon atoms. Applications of structure consist of many physical and chemical methods to determine the chemical composition and the chemical constitution of organic compounds and materials. Study of properties includes both physical chemistry properties and chemical properties, and uses identical methods as well as methods to evaluate chemical reactivity, with the aim to understand the behavior of the organic matter in its natural form (when possible), but also in solutions, mixtures, and fabricated forms. The study of organic reactions includes probing their opportunity through use in preparation of target compounds e.g., natural products, drugs, polymers, etc. by chemical synthesis, as well as the focused study of the reactivities of individual organic molecules, both in the laboratory and theoretical study.
The range of chemicals studied in organic chemistry include hydrocarbons, as well as myriad compositions based always on carbon, but also contains other elements, especially oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and the radiostable elements of the halogens.
- Track 7-1Organic reactions and Synthesis
- Track 7-2Polymer Chemistry
- Track 7-3Methodology and applications
- Track 7-4Stereoselective synthesis
- Track 7-5Synthesis design
Bioinorganic chemistry is a field that explore the role of metals in biology. Bioinorganic chemistry includes the study of both natural phenomena such as the behaviors of metalloproteins as well as artificially introduced metals, including those that are unnecessary, in medicine and toxicology. Many biological processes such as respiration depend upon molecules that fall within the field of inorganic chemistry. The discipline also includes the study of inorganic models or mimics that assume the behaviour of metalloproteins.
As a mix of biochemistry and inorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry is important in explicate the implications of electron-transfer proteins, substrate bindings and activation, atom and group transmission chemistry as well as metal properties in biological chemistry.
- Track 8-1Biocatalysis and biotransformation
- Track 8-2Environmental Chemistry
- Track 8-3Themes in bioinorganic chemistry
- Track 8-4Types of inorganic elements in biology
Chemical biology is a scientific practice spanning the fields of chemistry, biology, and physics. It involves the operation of chemical techniques, tools, and analyses, and often compounds produced through synthetic chemistry, to the consideration and manipulation of biological systems. Chemical biologists attempt to use chemical principles to modulate systems to either generally the underlying biology or create new function. Research done by chemical biology is often closer related to that of cell biology than biochemistry. Biochemists study of the chemistry of biomolecules and regulation of biochemical within cells and tissues, e.g. cAMP or cGMP, while chemical biologists deal with novel chemical compounds applied to biology.
- Track 9-1Enzyme Inhibitor
- Track 9-2Structure Biology
- Track 9-3Molecular Hybridization
- Track 9-4Chemotherapeutic Agents
- Track 9-5Biological chemistry
- Track 9-6Biocatalysis and biotransformation
Bioorganometallic chemistry is the course of biologically active molecules that contain carbon directly bonded to metals or metalloids. This field straddles the fields of organometallic chemistry, biochemistry, and medicine. It is subset of bioinorganic chemistry. Naturally accruing bioorganometallics include enzymes and sensor proteins. Also within this field is the development of new drug design and imaging agents as well as the principles relevant to the toxicology or organometallic compounds
- Track 10-1Organometallic chemistry Concepts and techniques
- Track 10-2Industrial applications
Anticancer, or antineoplastic, drugs are used to cure malignancies, or cancerous growths. Drug therapy may be used alone, or in combination with other treatments such as surgery or radiation therapy.
- Track 11-1Classification of Anti Cancer Drugs
- Track 11-2Chemotheraphy
- Track 11-3Chemotherapeutic Agents
A biopharmaceutical, also called as a biological medical product, biological, or biologic, is any pharmaceutical drug product manufactured in, extort from, or semi synthesized from biological sources. Different from chemically synthesized pharmaceuticals, they consists of vaccines, blood, blood components, allergenics, somatic cells, gene therapies, tissues, recombinant therapeutic protein, and living cells used in cell therapy. Biologics can be composed of sugars, proteins, or nucleic acids or complex combinations of these materials, or may be living cells or tissues. They are isolated from natural sources—human, animal, or microorganism
Medicinal radiocompounds or radiopharmaceuticals are a group of pharmaceutical drugs which having radioactivity. Radiopharmaceuticals are used as diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Radio pharmacology is the branch of pharmacology that specializes in these agents.
- Track 12-1Medicinal Radiocompounds
- Track 12-2Nuclear Medicine
- Track 12-3Biopharmaceuticals
- Track 12-4Radiopharmacology
- Track 12-5Radioligand
- Track 12-6Resonance fluorescence
The pharmaceutical industry discovers, expand, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals for use as medications. Pharmaceutical companies may accord in generic or brand medications and medical devices. They are subject to a variety of laws and control that govern the patenting, testing, assuran
- Track 13-1Medical Diagnosis
- Track 13-2Biochemical Methods
- Track 13-3Pharmaceutical Industry trends
- Track 13-4Clinical trial
- Track 13-5Drug development
- Track 13-6Drug discovery
- Track 13-7Pharmaceutical marketing
- Track 13-8Biotechnology
Pharmacotoxicology entails the application of the consequences of toxic exposure to pharmaceutical drugs and agents in the health care tract. The subject of pharmacotoxicology also involves the treatment and prevention of pharmaceutical toxicology induced side effects. Pharmacotoxicology can be detached into two different categories: pharmacodynamics the effects of a drug on an organism, and pharmacokinetics the effects of the organism on the drug.
Clinical pharmacology is the science of medicines and their clinical use. It is underpinned by the basic science of pharmacology, with added focus on the functions of pharmacological principles and quantitative methods in the real world. It has a broad scope, from the detection of new target biomolecules, to the effects of drug usage in whole populations.
- Track 14-1Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
- Track 14-2Clinical Drug Trials
- Track 14-3Clinical Pharmacists
- Track 14-4Medical Trails
- Track 14-5Pharmacoeconomics
- Track 14-6Psychopharmacology
In medicinal chemistry, bioisosteres are chemical constituents or groups with identical physical or chemical properties which produce broadly similar biological properties to another chemical compound. In drug design, the purpose of exchanging one bioisostere for other is to enhance the desired biological sciences or physical properties of a compound without making significant advance in chemical structure. The main practice of this term and its techniques are related to pharmaceutical sciences. Bioisosterism is used to decrease toxicity, change bioavailability, or modify the activity of the lead compound, and may alter the drug metabolism of the lead.
- Track 15-1 Bioisosteres in Drug Design
- Track 15-2Bioisostere in Medicinal Chemistry
- Track 15-3Aromatic Bioisosteres
- Track 15-4Bioisosteric replacements
- Track 15-5Molecular Scaffolds
- Track 15-6Applications of Bioisosteres
Pharmaceutical analysis has advanced greatly from different technological improvements in separation sciences, modern impact mass spectrometry methods connected with liquid chromatography, and the use of bioanalytical tools for molecular detection in the same antibodies and nucleic acid probes. Molecular-biology-based analytical methods for drug analysis facilitated automated high-throughput screening of advanced drug candidate molecules.
The strong quality control rules stimulated the development of advanced concepts in bioanalysis and instruments able to fulfill these requirements.
Bioanalysis is a term generally used to describe the quantitative measurement of a drug design or their metabolite in biological fluids, primarily blood, plasma, serum, urine or cellular tissue extracts. A bioanalytical method consists of two main components
- Track 16-1Novel Approaches to Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods
- Track 16-2Analytical Techniques
- Track 16-3Capillary Electrophoresis
- Track 16-4Pharmaceutical Analysis
- Track 16-5Qualitative Analysis
- Track 16-6Spectroscopy
Nanotechnology is regulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The earliest, widespread characterization of nanotechnology assign to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and molecules for design of macroscale products, also now assigned to as molecular nanotechnology. A more observed description of nanotechnology was subsequently fixed by the National Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the accomplishment of material with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition match the fact that quantum mechanical effects are imperative at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a particular technological aim to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies that arrangement with the special properties of matter which appear below the given size threshold. It is therefore common to observe the plural form "nanotechnologies" such as "nanoscale technologies" to refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size.
Nanomedicine is the medical function of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical functions of nanomaterials and biological devices, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future functions of molecular nanotechnology such as biologicals machines. Present problems for nanomedicine affect understanding the issues similar to toxicity and environmental encounter of nanoscale materials.
- Track 17-1Nanotechnology
- Track 17-2Bionanoscience
- Track 17-3Nanocomposites
- Track 17-4Nanoparticles
- Track 17-5Nanotubes
Stereochemistry, a development of chemistry, involves the study of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms within biomolecules. An crucial branch of stereochemistry is the application of chiral molecules. Stereochemistry is also known as 3D chemistry because the prefix stereo- means three - dimensionality.
Stereochemistry is a hugely crucial facet of 3D chemistry and the study of stereo chemical problems spans the entire range of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biological, physical and supramolecular chemistries. Stereochemistry consists of methods for determining and describing these relationships; the effect on the physical or biological properties these relationships discover upon the molecules in question, and the manner in which these relationships influence the reactiveness of the molecules in question (dynamic stereochemistry).
- Track 18-1Isomerism
- Track 18-2Absolute configuration
- Track 18-3Axial chirality
- Track 19-1Drug Monitoring
- Track 19-2Drug Safety Survillance
- Track 19-3Good Pharmacovigilance Practice
- Track 19-4Medical Literature
- Track 19-5Medication Error