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Andreia Valente

Andreia Valente

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa Portugal


Andreia Valente completed her PhD in 2010 from the Université de Lille I (France) on the field of Polymerization Catalysis. Then, she joined the Organometallic Group at Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (Portugal) where she got a first post-doc position in synthesis of organometallic compounds for nonlinear optic applications, followed by a second post-doc in the field of medicinal inorganic chemistry. She is presently a researcher (academic) at the same Institution, directing now her efforts to the synthesis of new polymer-metal complexes as targeted drug-delivery systems in view to cancer therapy


Abstract : On the mode of action of new promising anticancer agents: multifunctional polymer-ruthenium conjugates