Bin Xu
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech
Bin Xureceived his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in 2004; and followed by postdoctoralstudies at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Since 2011, he has been a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Center for Drug Discovery at Virginia Tech. His research interests concern cell surface receptor-ligand binding, receptor signaling, novel ligand and receptor discovery, and translational structure-based and computer-aided ligand design with applications to novel peptide hormones and natural products relevant to diabetes, obesity,neurodegenerative diseases, and nanomedicine. He has published more than two dozens publications in premier international peer-reviewed journals.
Research Interest
His research interests concern cell surface receptor-ligand binding, receptor signaling, novel ligand and receptor discovery, and translational structure-based and computer-aided ligand design with applications to novel peptide hormones and natural products relevant to diabetes, obesity,neurodegenerative diseases, and nanomedicine